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Through My Mind’s Eye – Kim Barry

April 2, 2024 @ 6:00 pm April 15, 2024 @ 8:00 pm

Opening Reception AHA! Night April 11

“Through My Mind’s Eye” is an exhibition of oil paintings, encaustic collages, and clay sculpture. I am inspired by the natural world which I ingest and synthesize through my creative processes. My memories, emotions, imagination take hold of subjects such as seed pods, fruit, veggies, and flowers which are transformed into vivid, gestural paintings, textural wax collage or dynamic clay sculptures. Peppers will have intimate relationships, garlic explode into life and oranges pulsate with lurid, visceral color referencing internal  body parts.

137 Union Street
New Bedford, MA 02740 United States

Kim Barry is a painter, potter, sculptor, and art educator. She graduated from Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in Sculpture and from University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth with an MFA in Painting. Kim has lived in the south coast of Massachusetts most of her life and is a member of Hatch Street Studios in New Bedford, South Coast Artist, an exhibiting and teaching member of the Providence Art Club, Rogers Gallery in Mattapoisett, The Drawing Room in New Bedford, Westport Art Group, Marion Art Center, Cape Cod Cultural Center, and owner of Clay Trout Pottery in Mattapoisett. Her work is informed by the beautiful, south coast environment and the natural objects she encounters.  Ms. Barry states, “My pockets are always full of shells and the bits I discover along my walks. Through deep observation and my intimate response to the natural world,  I find a bounty of inspiration for my paintings. My subject matter such as fruits, flowers, veggies, or shells can often reference the human form, gesture, memory, emotion, sensuality or simply capture the energy of a time and place.” Ms. Barry also produces a line of sculpted tile and hand-thrown plant pots at her Clay Trout Pottery Studio in Mattapoisett.